chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic Fatigue: What it is, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

If you constantly feel tired and even though you take breaks or sleep well, you can’t seem to get over it, you may be suffering from chronic fatigue and that can have unpleasant consequences for your health and well-being.

However, this has treatment that minimizes the discomfort, some recommendations are that you try to lead a healthy life, with rest, healthy eating and vitamin supplements to supplement your diet and improve your quality of life. Here we tell you more about chronic fatigue.


What is chronic fatigue syndrome?

Chronic fatigue is a long-term illness and can be serious because it affects the entire body to a lesser or greater degree. It is also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome and often makes it difficult to perform daily activities such as playing sports, walking or simply being out of bed. Even activities of minimal effort can cause difficulty and extreme fatigue.

As an important fact, you should know that anyone can suffer from this disease regardless of age, although it is more common between 40 and 60 years of age, being more common in women than in men.


Causes of chronic fatigue

So far there is no specific cause for this syndrome. It is said that some people may be born predisposed to this disorder that is then triggered by multiple factors such as:

Viral infections

Some people develop the syndrome after a viral infection.

Immune system problems

The immune systems of people who have chronic fatigue syndrome appear to be slightly impaired, but it is not clear whether this impairment is enough to cause.

Hormonal imbalances

People with this syndrome may experience abnormal blood levels of hormones produced in the hypothalamus, pituitary or adrenal glands.

Physical or emotional trauma

Some people have indicated that they experienced an injury, surgery or significant emotional stress shortly before symptoms began.


Symptoms of chronic fatigue

The main symptoms of chronic fatigue in addition to extreme and seemingly unreasonable tiredness, which does not improve despite rest, are:

Sleeping problems

Either not being able to fall asleep or sleeping very poorly. Waking up several times or being sleepy and not being able to sleep are part of the symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Exaggerated discomfort or fatigue

When exerting yourself either mentally or physically. So if you go out to do the shopping and then feel like you’ve done the Olympic marathon, it’s cause for alert

Problems to concentrate

Or to think clearly, if you are not able to have full attention in an activity or even you do not understand well what you are thinking, is another symptom.


If you feel constant dizziness and you have already checked with a doctor that it is not vertigo, it may be caused by chronic fatigue.

Muscle aches

Which do not diminish despite treatment, most frequently pain in the legs, knees, back, hands or arms.

It must be taken into account that pain can appear or disappear seasonally without any cause, it depends on the patient, sometimes it can improve quickly and sometimes the opposite, getting worse overnight. So it also causes frustration to feel constantly sick.


How is myalgic encephalomyelitis diagnosed?

As mentioned, chronic fatigue can be difficult to diagnose, because it can be confused with tiredness, so if the symptoms are persistent, it is best to see a specialist who will promptly review your state of health and do a thorough physical and mental examination. Blood and urine tests are useful to establish the cause of fatigue or to know if what you have is chronic fatigue.


Treatment or solutions for chronic fatigue

Despite the difficulty in establishing its causes, treatment can be established to control some persistent symptoms:

  • The first thing to do is to establish what are the main discomforts you have with the disease. From there, for example, if it is the lack of sleep, you can try to improve your sleeping habits, with fixed sleeping and waking hours and taking a natural supplement to help you rest better. A visit to a sleep specialist may also be recommended.
  • Improving your diet can work to reduce some symptoms of chronic fatigue. Eating at regular times and eating less processed foods can help you rest better.
  • If you feel that your head is in a loop, the best thing to do is to ask for professional help, try to do things that you enjoy and help reduce your stress and therefore the fatigue you may feel. Talking and communicating with your family and friends and taking time for yourself can be a weapon to combat chronic fatigue.
  • Dedicate some time for yourself: if you are one of those who only think about work, you should have a few hours and at least one day a week in which you disconnect completely and take some time for yourself. Avoid taking work home, as this prevents you from resting in a restorative way.

If you telework, turn off your computer and cell phone and get out of the work circle, at least for the weekend. If you do it right, this helps to reduce fatigue. 


Recommended foods to combat chronic fatigue

These foods help reduce chronic fatigue:

  • Keep in mind that one of the main allies to prevent fatigue is iron, accompanied by foods rich in vitamin C to facilitate its absorption, so legumes (beans, lentils, lima beans, chickpeas, peas, soybeans), wheat, orange or apple juices, green leafy vegetables (spinach, chard, arugula, broccoli, lettuce, kale) and red meat, would be essential in the diet.
  • Nuts, rich in vegetable fat, such as almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts
  • Shelled shellfish, such as clams and oysters
  • Whole grains
  • Oats
  • Bananas
  • Royal jelly


Natural components for myalgic encephalomyelitis

  • Ginseng: It is a plant that stimulates resistance and counteracts weakness.
  • Magnesium: This is a nutrient that the body needs to stay healthy, it regulates the muscles and also the nervous system, so it can be positive to combat chronic fatigue.
  • Melatonin: This is a hormone produced by the body, which regulates day and night cycles or sleep-wake cycles. It helps you rest better
  • Iron: This mineral helps the body to replenish and function well, especially in the production of proteins in the blood, combats anemia and therefore fatigue.
  • Folic acid: A B vitamin that the body uses to regenerate cells every day, resulting in increased energy and vitality.
  • Vitamin B12: It is a nutrient that helps maintain healthy neurons and blood, and contributes to the formation of the genetic material of the cells.

As you can see, the intake of some multivitamins helps in many cases to improve muscle fatigue and thus chronic fatigue.

A highly recommended and very complete natural multivitamin is TEMPLO from Neeo.


It has components that protect the body’s cells, helping oxygenation and helping the body get rid of stress and feel better day after day. Its formula has components of the Mediterranean diet, with essential vitamins and minerals, including zinc, b9, b12, Omega 3 and antioxidants, natural elements that help the proper functioning of the heart, brain and metabolism in general, helping the immune system and therefore to avoid chronic or extreme fatigue.

You can try it and accompany it with healthy habits both physically and mentally, this will surely reflect positively on your health and help to significantly reduce chronic fatigue.

Healthy habits
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