properties of magnesium

Magnesium: What it is, Benefits and How to Take It

Magnesium: What it is, Benefits and How to Take It

Today’s world requires us to be energetic, vital and active, however, one of the modern diseases is stress, with this comes different disorders and one of the key symptoms: fatigue, discouragement and tiredness. The lack of this mineral in the blood increases this symptomatology, hence the importance of having a balanced diet that provides vitamins and minerals that help to have a better performance in daily activities and therefore, a better quality of life.

We tell you what this popular and necessary supplement is and what it is used for.


What is magnesium and what is it used for?

As we mentioned, it is a nutrient that the body needs for its regular functioning and to stay healthy. That is, for its correct metabolism.

This mineral regulates muscle function, thus reducing fatigue and also helps blood sugar levels, blood pressure and the formation of bone mass and DNA. So it is highly recommended for athletes or people with muscle discomfort.


Types of magnesium

You should keep in mind that there are several types of this mineral and that each one is used for different ailments or pathologies:


Magnesium chloride

It is composed of chlorine and magnesium. It can be absorbed by the skin, so it is present in gels, oils and creams for athletes. It helps to improve muscle discomfort.

Magnesium citrate

It has salt and citric acid. It is the magnesium salt of the amino acid glycine, which helps intestinal transit. It has a laxative effect.

Magnesium glycinate

It is the salt of magnesium and also serves as a laxative.

Magnesium threonate

This is rare in the market and improves cognitive functions.

Magnesium malate

Helps prevent fatigue, produces energy.

Magnesium oxide

This type of magnesium improves gastric and intestinal discomfort.

Magnesium taurate

It also serves to combat fatigue and improve muscle function. It is composed of taurine and magnesium.

It is important to clarify that before taking any supplement, it is important to consult your doctor. A specialist can also tell you whether or not you have a deficiency. However, there are some symptoms or signs that indicate that you need to increase it. We will tell you what some of these are.


How do you know if your body lacks of this mineral? Symptoms

These may be some signs that you need to increase your intake.


High blood pressure and heart disease

High blood pressure may be a symptom of deficiency. That is, some research argues that people who consume it have less risk of heart disease and stroke.

Type 2 diabetes

As it helps the body process sugar and may help reduce the risk of insulin resistance (a disorder that leads to diabetes). Thus, its supplements may help lower the risk of diabetes and level blood sugar.


It helps to have healthy bones. People with higher intakes have higher bone density that could reduce osteoporosis, this is very important because it gives strength to the bones, which reduces fractures.


Migraine sufferers usually have low magnesium levels and therefore their headache pain increases.

It is a great adjuvant for this type of symptomatology, consuming it daily in food and supplements as prescribed.


What foods contain magnesium?

Foods contain vitamins, fiber and minerals, in addition to other components beneficial to health, there are some foods rich in magnesium such as:

  • Fruits (mainly bananas, dried apricots or apricots and avocados)
  • Nuts (such as almonds and cashews)
  • Peas and beans (legumes), seeds, lentils, pulses, green leafy vegetables such as spinach.
  • Soy products (such as soy flour and tofu)
  • Whole grains (such as brown rice and millet)
  • Cereals: Such as oats, which provide 177 mg of magnesium per 100 grams. It is also a source of protein, calcium, potassium and vitamins.
  • Milk, yogurt, dairy products.


What are the benefits of taking this mineral?

You already know that taking it is important because it generates health benefits, mainly in the normal functioning of muscles and nerves, and also helps strengthen the immune system.

This essential mineral plays an important role in a variety of bodily functions, including heart rate regulation, muscle contraction, nerve function and bone formation. Below are some of the benefits of taking magnesium:

Strengthens bones

It is essential for the formation and maintenance of strong and healthy bones.

Improves heart health

Helps regulate heart rhythm and may reduce the risk of heart disease.

Relieves stress and anxiety

It has a calming effect on the body and mind, which can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Regulates blood sugar

It can help regulate blood sugar levels, which may be beneficial for people with diabetes.

Relieves muscle aches and pains

It is important for proper muscle contraction and can help reduce muscle aches and fatigue.

Improves digestion

Helps relieve constipation and other digestive problems by relaxing the muscles of the digestive tract.


Its use in some medical pathologies

As you have seen above, this mineral can alleviate or decrease some medical pathologies, mainly regulate the function of muscles and the nervous system, it can help improve blood sugar levels and build protein and bone mass. In addition, it’s the consumption helps to lower fatigue and therefore to have more energy.



If you want to consume it there is a very complete and effective natural supplement to increase your intake, it’s Ibiza from Neeo, natural vitamins for fatigue with a delicious orange and grapefruit flavor to pour directly into the mouth. They help reduce physical and mental fatigue, activate energy metabolism and tone up the body thanks to marine magnesium and vitamin B6.

Energy boost formula with magnesium
Energy boost formula with magnesium
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