30 Vitamin D Foods: Best Sources

The human body needs vitamins and minerals to be able to function, each of its capabilities is strengthened with a healthy diet and adequate intake of nutrients and that is reflected in the day to day with energy and vitality. Although all vitamins are essential, here we tell you everything you need to know about one in particular: vitamin D.


What is vitamin D and what is it for?

Vitamin D is a nutrient that helps the body to absorb calcium, which is one of its main virtues, because thanks to this, strong teeth and bones are achieved and therefore, osteoporosis is prevented, which is a disease that makes these become weaker and therefore, thin and fragile, being more prone to injuries and fractures.

In addition, the body needs vitamin D for muscles to function and nerves to transmit messages between the brain and other parts of the body. This vitamin is also very useful for strengthening the immune system.


Symptoms Vitamin D deficiency

You may be lacking vitamin D if you feel the following:

  • Muscle pain or very tiredness, weakness and also bone pain.
  • In children (in their early years) it can cause rickets, that is, a soft skull, bones that grow abnormally. And in babies it can cause them to be slow to crawl or sit up.
  • Lack of vitamin D generates vulnerability to diseases, viruses and infections.
  • May cause depression
  • If vitamin D is lacking, it is more difficult to heal.
  • Lack of vitamin D also causes bone loss.


Foods rich in vitamin D:


Cod liver oil

1 tablespoon (14g) contains 1,360 IU of vitamin. This supplement comes in several brands and can be given at different ages, so check the dosage according to age.


(Pacific sockeye salmon) – 3.5 ounces (100g) contains 528 IU. It is a very easy food to eat, grilled, steamed and even raw, it has a widely accepted taste.


3.5 ounces (100g) contain 360 IU. It is part of the so-called blue fish, it has a high concentration of Omega 3, it is an antioxidant ally.


(canned in oil) – 3.5 ounces (100g) contain 270 IU. Easy to prepare and easy to get, suitable for dinner or lunch, rich in vitamins and Omega.

Shiitake Mushrooms

1 cup (145g) contains 9.6 IU. This mushroom is said to stimulate the immune system, including treating colds, flu and other viruses.

Beef liver

3.5 ounces (100g) contains 49 IU. In addition to providing this vitamin, it helps reduce anemia.


1 large egg (50g) contains 17 IU. This food is also a source of protein, good for muscles and skin.


(Swiss cheese) – 1 ounce (28g) contains 0.4 IU. This food is very easy to consume, as you know, there are several types and characteristics, it combines well with almost everything making it a versatile food.


– 3.5 ounces (100g) contains 600 IU. As mentioned, fish are an excellent source of vitamin D and trout is a mild fish that you can combine with different foods.

White mushrooms

1 cup (70g) contains 4 IU. In pasta, salads, rice or snacks, mushrooms are a source of vitamins worth incorporating into your daily diet.


3.5 ounces (100g) contains 150 IU. Shellfish and mollusks are important in combating vitamin D deficiency because their meat is rich in vitamin D.

Chicken liver

3.5 ounces (100g) contains 12 IU. As we have already mentioned, offal is very important to provide vitamin D in the body, for winter it is very good in broths, easy to prepare and tastes good.


3.5 ounces (100g) contains 5 IU. The next time you have a snack, incorporate some pork into it, it is providing you with vitamin D. The advantage of this meat is that it goes well in multiple preparations, it is versatile and very easy to consume.


3.5 ounces (100g) contains 1,628 IU of vitamin D. Did you know that herring is the fish with the most vitamin D? Well, now you know, so it’s a good reason to include it in your diet.


(pink Pacific salmon) – 3.5 ounces (100g) contain 525 IU of vitamin D. This kind of salmon, like sockeye, is rich in vitamin D and is very easy to prepare.

Roquefort Cheese

1 ounce (28g) contains 0.1 IU of vitamin D, it is also rich in carbohydrates, Omega 3 and 6 and other vitamins.


1 clove (3g) contains 0.6 IU of vitamin D, so go ahead and use garlic in your preparations, it is an excellent seasoning and if you know how to use it and do not like the taste, it can even go unnoticed.

Fish oil

(tuna) – 1 tablespoon (14g) contains 229 IU of vitamin D. If you consume fresh tuna much better, so you consume its oil and all its properties.

Cow’s milk

1 cup (240 ml) contains 2.9 IU of vitamin D. If you consume it daily in moderate amounts it will have an impact on the health of your teeth and bones.


3.5 ounces (100g) contains 1 IU of vitamin D. Also key to reducing or preventing anemia, it can be prepared in hundreds of ways, while retaining its properties and vitamin D content.


3.5 ounces (100g) contain 320 IU.


1 tablespoon (14g) contains 24 IU. Without overdoing it, a little pork fat once in a while in some preparation can provide you with vitamin D, but don’t overdo it!

Egg oil

1 tablespoon (14g) contains 218 IU. Egg fat, especially that contained in the yolk, can provide you with vitamin D, consume it in moderation.


1 tablespoon (14g) contains 15 IU. A little butter will not harm you, on the contrary, it will provide you with vitamin D, but as we have recommended with all fats, you should be moderate and not overdo it.

Breast milk

1 cup (240 ml) contains 60 IU. It is known all the properties that breast milk has, so, if it is the case, do not deprive your baby to have this possibility of ingesting a totally complete food.

Goat’s milk

1 cup (240 ml) contains 3 IU. It is a high fat food, but also has vitamin D, tastes good and can be combined with other foods.


(4.5 μg/100 g): This is definitely a fruit rich in good fats for the body, as well as vitamins such as D, so go ahead and include it in your preparations.

Soy milk

1 cup (240 ml)

Almond milk:

1 cup (120 UI)

Oat milk

1 cup (120 UI)

*All these milks are usually fortified, that is to say, vitamins and minerals are added, including in many cases D, we advise you to check the packaging.


Including foods such as those listed above in your daily or frequent intake is one way to boost your vitamin level.

Another recommendation that you can not miss is to sunbathe, as this is the major source of this vitamin, so spend a few minutes a day to recharge energy with the sun (careful does not mean that you spend hours exposing yourself), remember to use sunscreen especially on the face and neck.

It also incorporates natural supplements rich in this vitamin such as Neeo’s Icaria.

Icaria with vitamin D

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